Kelowna, BC


After Effects
Premiere pro
March 2021
*Strategy no. is separate and represents the level of strategy I put in to any given project.
Updates & What's Next:

Currently, there are no updates as the project has been delayed. However, the project remains a testament to design versatility and ability to engage with diverse branding requirements.


Musterpoints is a startup based in Kelowna, BC, aiming to revolutionize social interaction through an innovative platform likened to "Meet-Up on Steroids".

The vision of CEO Suzanne LaFleur, the project aimed to create a fun yet sophisticated, modern, and playful brand that would appeal to a specific demographic.


The primary challenge was the comprehensive design requirements of the project. As a lead designer, I had to push my design skills to new heights. This was not just about creating a brand; it encompassed UI/UX application design and prototyping, video design, logo & branding, and creating stationary like brochures, signs, and business cards.


Working closely with the CEO, I created a brand, logo, voice, and strategy that were fun but sophisticated, modern yet playful. I designed the UI/UX for the app and developed a promotional video.. This package also included stationary like brochures, signs, and business cards.


Despite the promising momentum and comprehensive branding package, the project unfortunately met a significant obstacle due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which delayed its progress.

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"During The creation of MusterPoints Art has shown his ability to create out-of-the-box design time & again. Muster Points started out as an idea in my head and now it is something tangible and exciting. I am anxious to see where his designs take us next time!"

Suzanne LaFleur

Musterpoints Connect Inc. / Owner